Tag Archive: Pharisees

Not unlike the “secular” community, Evangelicals often have just as many areas of division, contention and discord. As an Evangelical myself, I can admit that sometimes it is easier and more tempting to forego controversy by remaining silent on politics and social issues. To unite as one body under the Christian flag is ultimately the goal and because “worldly” things threaten to tear asunder this union, we, or perhaps more accurately I, at times, try to remove myself as much as possible and reflect on the heavenly kingdom. I once heard it said that although the Bible isn’t a political text, it is impossible or very difficult to have a relationship with the Lord and not care about the state of one’s nation, and to believe while we are in the world that the two are mutually exclusive is far from being a sound biblical teaching. In other words, the Holy Spirit impresses upon us care for our fellow man, our families, and the world around us, which logically manifests in a concern for our nations. If not articulated, this principle is understood by most Evangelicals to the point that it would be like arguing against the necessity of family structure, the absence of which we know empirically can be very devastating. So too can it be said of having no political concerns and remaining completely apolitical.

So it with a heavy heart as a evangelical that I write this to critique some of my brothers and sisters. Also, let it be known, that this writing doesn’t come from the desk of a righteous man or a person who is anywhere near where I would like to be in my walk with the Lord. I feel this is important to mention that I might retain some form of humility in writing this. Let the reader also be aware that I quite distinguish between critiquing a particular choice a person may make and judging a person fully on that choice. It almost represents a difference between a critique and a criticism, if you will, if that it be allowed that a critique would refer to a decision, while a criticism would refer to a person in more a general sense. The last isn’t what I want to do. These might seem like interchangeable concepts, and perhaps at one time they were, but in today’s world a tiny fraction of a person or their views is enough to warrant the mobs of “cancel culture” to mobilize. I desire not to do that in any fashion to those I critique today.

I should keep this brief though, so now, I will quickly move into my brief point. I am voting for Trump in this current election cycle and there are numerous reasons for that. The real challenge I saw that moved me beyond doubt, was a challenge I saw in a Facebook discussion, if we can call it that. The challenge was to make a case for Biden without mentioning Trump. A challenge I saw again and again unanswered. Now, I won’t say that I was completely neutral and wasn’t leaning Trump already, but I did try to keep myself open somewhat, particularly for a third party candidate. I also voted for Trump back in 2016, but that was because Hillary terrified me. I celebrated that night, but woke up the next morning going, “Oh no. Trump?!?” What did we just do? Yet, he has exceeded my expectations.

There are several reasons I agree with Trump in his running of the country, and there are some I disagree with, and even more I haven’t formed a strong opinion on other than just questioning them. I suppose that would be the case with any leader though. More so, there are several reasons that I agree with Trump when it comes to issues that concern us evangelicals. Being pro-life is obviously a big one, and a cause that many churches have been praying over for years. Another large one, Trump has been big on protecting religious liberty, particularly calling out abuses toward the Christian church, at home and abroad. Third, Trump keeps brokering peace with Israel, their neighbors, and even relatively more foreign nations. Along with his moving of the embassy to Jerusalem began a trend that other nations followed in suit. We Christians have been praying for these things, no doubt, and Trump being able to bring these to fruition, at least in a large degree, is something all Christians should be thankful for, because it wasn’t Trump who did it alone. That might want to make some people vomit reading that, because of the strong division between us, but is it really biblically that odd that our Lord would use imperfect people for His purposes? Not only is that a biblically sound statement, if all man is inherently sinful, then it is a logical statement.

This is my point and my encouragement to the Church. I saw that Trump went to a church and many were offended and it caused division, and that isn’t what the church should be to my knowledge. I recall churches all over praying for Obama, and if he had walked into my church and asked for prayer, you better believe I am going to pray for him. That shouldn’t be controversial at all. When we look at the New Testament we find that one of the faults with the Jews at the time (some of them) was that they were waiting for a political messiah which Jesus Christ turned out to be anything but. He had no political ambition, no political power, and surrounded Himself with the poor and destitute rather than the rich and powerful. One of the reasons Christ was rejected is because He brought no political power with Him and didn’t match up with the views at the time, or the prominent view, that the Messiah would be a true king of Israel rather than the Savior of Man and King of Heaven. (Please note I am not comparing Trump with Jesus Christ!)

In a sense, times haven’t changed that much. We are still looking for a political messiah which is an aim that is not going to serve us anymore than it served the Pharisees. We have prayed time and time again over the practice of abortion, persecution, the nation of Israel, appointment of conservative and originalist judges on the Supreme Court, and these things are and have been coming to pass, but because the leader that has brought them, Trump, isn’t the political messiah we seek, we fail to see what God has done. God’s works on our behalf. We forget to praise Him and too effortlessly abandon the means by which the Lord has used to achieve it. Now Trump isn’t beyond criticism, I find his bombast annoying to be honest. That might be a shallow criticism, but it is true nonetheless. However, should his insults and this extreme bombast exclude him from being improved by God or God using him to serve good? Absolutely not and I think God using him is an ongoing thing. Can’t this argument be applied to Biden? Sure, I suppose it could be, but then we have to ask the question if a person is anointed if it will represent itself in some way? I argue it can, and a person who was in office for 47 years and as Vice President had no issue with Israel and the Jews being overlooked in favor of their enemies, and uses Catholicism as it helps him, and has hardly mentioned Jesus at all or gave glory to him, doesn’t have the anointed spirit. A man who speaks in favor of Israel, brokers deals on their behalf to bring peace as well as opening up trade, a person who is pro-life, a person who speaks out in defense of Christians, appoints a devout Christian as his Vice President and running mate; all these things impart to us a semblance of anointing. Now, does this all mean Trump saved? That question is a little beyond my scope of knowledge and pay grade I am afraid, but at the same time I don’t consider it out the realm of possibility.

I mention the criticism of Biden because I want to point out a difference between a Christian not voting Trump and voting Biden and a Christian not voting Trump and voting for some third-party candidate. In the latter, I have no qualms with you and no critique to offer because other than basic understanding of the third-party candidates, I am not really up to speed. You may be very well justified in your vote for a third-party instead of Biden because your morals, ethics, and political philosophy regarding voting are intact, while some who vote Trump cannot (as you may conclude) say the same. That is fine, but if you are looking for a political messiah, you have no more reason to vote Biden than Trump. As I see it anyway, but I am open to discussion.

Ultimately, again, this whole entry was a entreaty to not focus so much on whether we have a political Messiah, but rather reflect on what the Lord is trying to do. One thing we can be sure of is that our Lord is not trying to do is sow division in His church, and so with those brief observations do not let the spirit of politics disrupt the Spirt of God.

God bless.

Galatians 3:23-25, “Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. 24So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.”


Paul declares that the law, which revealed our inability to be in complete compliance with the law and/or God’s nature, was added so that mankind may see their need for Christ. The law was the birth pains, through which the wonderful promise made known to Abraham became manifest and fulfilled in Christ Jesus, through whom we, in faith, become righteous before God. There is a paradoxical nature within the law concerning both it’s goodness, it being from God and representing holiness, and while at the same time being a burden unto man, for the law condemns and in the law itself, there is no hope, for all have violated the law.


Furthermore, the strict obedience to the law, can in fact break the law. Again, this is rather paradoxical, but we can reconcile these seemingly contradicting aspects, not by the law, or through man, but rather in Christ. Some, like the Pharisees, held the law to such a strict standard, that they idolized the law above faith in God, thus breaking the law, of which they claimed obedience. It is possible to worship the law itself and forgetting about the conditions of faith that are proclaimed all throughout the scripture. This is not to say that obedience to the law is bad, for this same law is now upon our hearts, but rather by faith, the law becomes represented through our relationship with Jesus. We do not develop obedience in the law and then acquire faith, it has been designed and purposed by God that it be the other way around. This is implicit in the law, but man lost focus as he put his faith in the commands rather than the author.


Realize we still run the same danger today. When we approach the word of God, we need to approach it in and through our relationship with the Spirit, otherwise the Living Word, loses that necessary condition of faith. This is a lesson I need to consistently keep in the forefront of my mind when approaching the Word of God. I study the word, but I have come to understand that the Bible itself can’t save you anymore than the law provided salvation. There are numerous atheists and deists who know the Bible better than some Christians do. Thus, we find that what is contained in the word is a path to Christ, but if we look at the words alone, we are missing the point.


I myself love studying the word, but I also love extrapolating the philosophical points behind the Scriptures. As I have stated before, the enemy and the self, can take even the best intentions and askew them. Thereby, there was a time when I saw that my study of the Scripture wasn’t as God has intended. We are to not seek the philosophical points behind the Scriptures, but rather seek God and we should direct our hearts to developing a deeper relationship with Hm. We shall not forget this, for to do so, we are the same as those who study the law, and forego God. We should let the Spirit speak to us through the word, for our study is not study alone, but rather communion with our Lord, and we need to pray and be open unto this while we approach the Word of God.


Likewise, man forgot this aspect when they approached the law. They strove to be in compliance with the law, and forgot about the faith represented in the law. All the great men and women within the Old Testament understood this point, that the law reflected our noncompliance, and thus they were brought to faith and reliance on God and His promises, rather than just to the law itself, which again trespasses against the law, for it can idolize the law in a sinful manner.


So in Christ, we have a new revelation of faith that we can rest our reliance on. This was purposed from the beginning that the reconciliation between the law and faith, along with justification, would rest on Jesus Christ. Since man mistook the law and did not come to God in faith, He has now revealed a more present object upon which our foundations of faith are built, His Son. In addition, the law showed our great need of the deliverance that God had promised prior to Abraham, and this was purposed to draw men unto the promise by faith. Now, by the new covenant, the promise has been fulfilled and we eagerly await those promises from God that are still yet to come.
