“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! 9As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” -Galatians 1:8-9

Throughout the New Testament this is a theme that is touched on again and again. It testifies to the fact that we need to beware of false teaching and not tolerate a manipulation of the Gospel, and of Christ. Therefore, if anyone adds or subtracts from the word, even in the name of Christ, let us distance ourselves.

The importance of this cannot be understated. This is emphasized by means of the repetition used by Paul, for he states it twice by not only reiterating the infallible nature of the Gospel, but also stating, again twice, “let him be eternally condemned.” This shows how we should respond when such a person invades the body. He should be severed from the body, for that by this amputation of the infected part, the contagion may not spread to the rest of the Body, causing sickness and death by the entrapping of many.

Jim Jones: Founder of The People's Temple and Orchestrator of The Jonestown Massacre Tragedy

It is not that such people cannot come to the cross, but they often don’t want to, as is suggested by their conforming the true Christ into a false form fitting Christ which suits them. Rather than letting the Potter mold their minds and hearts through His word, they mold His word to accommodate the desires of their hearts. They are not ignorant as they may seem and they can’t stand alone with their invalid convictions. Thus, they are great deceivers, and in the manner of the ancient alchemists, they take a lowborn conception of Christ, which they had to begin with, and by means of a philosophers stone of lies and deceit, strive to forge it into something noble in the sight of man, to solidify and add justification for their indulgences by the sheer number of their followers alone. There are also those false teachers who profess a watered down Christ as a means to acquire capital, and these are equally as dangerous and false.

Beware of false teachers and the false Jesus they preach, for Christ could not have done what He did unless He was exactly who He said He was. If Christ was any different, as is advocated by those who look to deceive and tear our faith asunder, then our faith would be meaningless. Yet, Christ was torn asunder so that by our faith we would become steadfast, develop a relationship with the Lord, and that through this we may be reconciled to God.