Greetings friends,

I regret that I can’t update my blog as often as when I first started. Please know that I am currently up in Alaska working on a boat, so my postings may be sporadic, if indeed at all. In addition, my correspondence with those who I have remained in contact with prior, may see a similar effect. Nevertheless, I would like you all to know that your comments are continually uplifting and greatly appreciated.


The most difficult thing about my job, is the lack of any fellowship. I would humbly ask that you may remember me in your prayers, that I may be able to rise above the fray. The Lord has thus far held me up remarkably, but there are times where I feel myself slipping. May my feet be steadfast and not be prone to stumbling. May the words of my mouth not become vile or hateful, but may I have humbleness, obedience, and may the Lord Almighty bless the work of my hands. These prayers I humbly request of you, if you indeed remember.


I am continuing to write and will post new entries whenever I get the chance. May the Lord bless you all, and I thank you all again for your kind words, encouragement, and exhortations.

In His Name,

